
Tobias and Syd: an alluring time travel romance
Prepare to be hooked… it can be addictive: a play about smoking and vaping. Tapping into desire itself, this romance of smoke and time travel

Bonus Tobias and Syd: uncover the gift of inspiration
Tobias and Syd is a play which explores why tobacco still has such a hold over the world. Find out more about Tobias and Syd

Silva Lining’s Care Plan Podcast – the story
Silva Lining’s Care Plan Podcast Silva Lining’s Care Plan, a podcast audio drama made by 2BU Productions is out. The story centres on Silva, a

Letters to… Arts&health workshops and research
We are Nuts about Letters Join in celebrating and reinventing the hand-written letter. Relish the imperfections. Physical letters inform us in so many ways: they are about

Catch Your Breath Exhibition Consultant
March 2020 Whirlwind of activities to end Life of Breath. A last research meeting followed by a wondrous celebration evening, followed by morning project breakfast.

Letter To My Kidney and Out Like Fudge: Bringing Research To Life
Fudge is a pet who died quite suddenly: our character Jo would like to leave the earth in a similar way.

Silva Lining’s Care Plan
Watch the trailer: Silva Lining’s Care Plan trailer Our recent work includes a previously ACE-funded project: ‘Silva Lining’s Care Plan’; we held rehearsed script readings in

Creative Writing Workshops for Wecil, Bristol and Weston Super Mare
Letter to My Superhero: Elspeth is part of “Community Connections”, a social prescribing programme in the South Ward area of Weston-super-Mare. A full-time social prescriber

65 Nailsea Place Letter to My Grandchild in Photos
Elspeth Penny was thrilled to devise and run a course called “Letter to My Grandchild’ at 65 Nailsea Place, a community venue in the High

In The Same Breath
DVD 2004 11 MinutesAn Interview with a man bereaved by suicide. Those left behind after someone takes their own life face a range of complex

How 2 be a Teenager
How 2 be a Teenager: an immersive world for young people, including drama, online and live show.

Dragon’s Love
Dragons’ Love – written by Elspeth Penny, developed by Dream Machine Media and funded by the Technology Strategy Board for an e-book.

Frankie was awarded a ‘Broadcast Development Award’ from the Wellcome Trust. This funding sees development of Frankie – with Animator Katy Davis making some stunning
The Owl
Mmm, a whole mouse for tea! Most owls would be delighted but poor Barley the barn owl is afraid of mice and often goes hungry.