In 2019 I designed and ran two projects which involve creativity and finding positive ways of working with your emotions, with primary school children. One was funded by Life of Breath Project: a team of us took puppetry, dance, creative writing and meditation into three Bristol schools, including Glenfrome and St Werburghs.
It’s always great to get some feedback about impact from a teacher, after some months have passed. One of the teachers wrote towards the end of the year about how artists in our team inspired the children: “The whole workshop was very thought provoking and a great learning experience for the class. We would definitely be interested in taking part in another workshop.”
The second project was for GP Sarah Temple who runs https://www.ehcap.co.uk, and it was to develop this work, designing an initiative to take into schools. Sarah wrote to our funders, Somerset County council, ” Please find attached the report from Elspeth re the wonderful work she did…. I think you will be able to find some wonderful quotes from here – Elspeth’s work has been very well received and the art work really lovely. This piece of work is something that both Elspeth and I are proud of.”
Workshop for 75 teachers and school staff 2017
In Autumn 2017 I had a lot of fun running a workshop for GP Dr Sarah Temple and her inspired Emotion Coaching project at Frogmary Farm near Yeovil. Over 70 people attended. I had a mic… and hmm, somehow it brought out the comedian side of me, the laughter in the room was wonderful to hear.
Here’s a review from a participant. “Fabulous creative writing workshop by Elspeth Penny. Great to practice, ideas for emotional health work. Lots of brave souls sharing their personal stories so eloquently. Also wonderful to network/share with a like minded tribe, so much potential and energy rarely harnessed.”
“Thank you Elspeth! You delivered exactly the kind of workshop that we needed. A roomful of 75 delegates of teachers and other professionals working with young people were quickly put at ease, learning some fantastic new skills to share and having fun in the process. Participants felt safe, open, nurtured and stimulated – and they took home beautiful letters which they’d written to an aspect of themselves.” Dr Sarah Temple, Mindful Emotion Coaching
If you’re interested in me running a similar workshop for you, please email me on elspeth@2buproductions.co.uk or ring me on 07736371087