Training junior doctors and GPs

When Barny Hole and I facilitated a workshop in May 2022 for junior doctors on communication skills in renal communication/palliation in Bristol we were pleased when we got glowing feedback, mostly 5 out of 5s.

What is it that worked for them?

“Excellent session, sensitively delivered with practical useful tips and opportunities to practice. Great opportunity to practice comms skills with an actor.” “Really cool concept of using phone consult” “Delivery was full of energy and enthusiasm which brought the best out of the participants.” “I learned a different approach to my normal conversations, and to work things better to help reassure the family member and try not go into information giving ‘mode’ that you can easily fall into without realising it.” “Enjoyable session, relevant to junior doctor daily work and also a friendly environment .”

For me,  some previous experience had helped. Co-facilitating a weekend of training for GPs, and running one of the workshops for the Royal Free last year, with some of my old Life of Breath pals helped give me an indication of the level that these doctors are. They are highly skilled after all their training, and are open to ideas which can help them practically in their junior doctor work. Barny and I could use this experience, as well as his specialist experience as a kidney specialist to hone the workshop to the needs of the participants.
Barny was a great in the room facilitator, and he’d set up a technically quite innovative system where the students could go out of the room and do a phone consult with me, and I played a character who got a bit tricky with them.